Every story has a muse and the story of Barkbutler is unique in one way.
Every story has a muse and the story of Barkbutler is unique in one way. Our muse, little Miss Chloe, has a tail that she loves to wag.
She wasn’t always like this. Chloe had seen a few dark things at the testing laboratory of a major pharmaceutical company. She was rescued from this dwelling in 2010. The dark times had made Chloe a weak, reserved, and easily frightened 4-year old Beagle.
Chloe, after being rescued, was most comfortable taking cover under a table, and other inconspicuous places; she had little or no resemblance to a healthy dog. With love, effort, and time, Chloe has transformed.
She is now, Miss Chloe, of House Sleepsalot, Master of Dreams, Breaker of Treat Bags, Digger of Dirt and the True Queen of our Hearts.
The story of transformation of Miss Chloe into a happy and healthy puppy, who steals our heart every day, is a happy one. Nothing sets her tail wagging, with vigour, like food. When we recognized this, we indulged her in a variety of treat, bones, and chews from the colourful pup-market. It was chance that led us to scrutinise the list of ingredients on these packages. The toxic substances for dogs came in various forms and in products of many major brands. There was glycerine, a petrochemical product containing methanol, difficult to digest wheat, soy & corn filled products, and noxious synthetic preservatives, and colours. The aesthetic value of the products was, at many occasions, a cover up for low quality ingredients and these would require allergy-inducing flavour enhancers to complement the product. Perils of inferior manufacturing extended to toys, through usage of toxic chemicals and inconsiderate assembling of parts, which presented the menace of choking. This woke us to the dangers and risks that dog-owners are putting their pets at, while being unaware.
Miss Chloe, meanwhile, was demanding that her tail revert to the wagging that it was used to, and this got us busy looking for credible products. And, BINGO! There were products in the market which were tasty, healthy, and pet-friendly.

Barkbutler was born. We are the butler to your doggo’s needs, but are stringent about his or her health. We believe in educating dog families about the lurking dangers. Further, we believe in providing solutions. Barkbutler boxes treats your pet like royalty, and the spoils will reach at your doorstep. We are committed to nurturing the growing community of dog parents across India.
It is our most resilient belief that all dog homes should indulge their pups in treats without guilt, fear, or a sense of wrong doing. Our love for dogs is our superpower, and from this superpower arose the very human and voracious research to ascertain the natural and authentic brands of pet products. We choose good conscience and peaceful sleep over lucrative margins of major brands.